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Dear Generalist, Don’t be Ashamed of Your Knowledge Lust (It’s a Superpower)
Have a lot of intellectual interests and are struggling to narrow them down? Don't fret. Range has its benefits.
Book Review: Something to Do With Paying Attention, by David Foster Wallace
"I knew, sitting there, that I might be a real nihilist, that it wasn't always just a hip pose. That I drifted and quit because nothing meant anything, no one choice was really better."
4 Books That Helped Me Self-Study Political Philosophy (as a Beginner)
Learn the four helpful books that I used to break into studying political philosophy and theory on my own.
Learn the 5 tactics I used to finally become someone capable of reading, understanding, and appreciating poetry.
Are Audiobooks Good For Learning? (+ 7 Tips for Effective Audiobook Reading)
Learn the short and long answer to "are audiobooks good for learning?" as well as some strategies for how to use them effectively to learn.
Mediocre at a Few Skills? Combine Them to Create Your Own Job
Are you mediocre in a few skills? So was the creator of Dilbert comics. Learn how combining them in creative ways can make you in-demand.